Tuesday, June 27, 2006

1900 MN-John Grode & Mary Plein, also Mary Plein

GRODE, JOHN S (1900 U.S. Census)
Age: 52, Male, Race: WHITE, Born: GERM
Series: T623 Roll: 785 Page: 291

175 Rondel Street
Dwelling #196 Family #136

*Grode, John, Head, white, male, born Sep 1848, age 51, married 25 yr, born Germany, father born Germany, mother born Germany, immigrated 1850, 50 yrs in US, naturalized, occupation real estate, can read, write, speak English, rents
* Grode, Mary J., wife, white, female, born Oct 1859, age 40, married 25 yr, 3 children-2 living, born Minn, father born Germany, mother born Germany, can read, write, speak English
* Grode, Anna J, dau, white, female, born Mar 1876, age 24, single, born Minn, father born Germany, mother born Minn, can read, write, speak English
* Grode, Oscar P., son, white, male, born May 1879, age 21, single, born Minn, father born Germany, mother born Minn, occupation office clerk can read, write, speak English
* Plein, Anna, boarder, white, female, born Jul 1829, widowed, 4 children-3 living, born Germany, father born Germany, mother born Germany, immigrated 1857, in US 43 yrs, can read, write, speak English
* Wagner, August, lodger, white, male, born Jun 1870, age 29, married 7 yr, born Germany, father born Germany, mother born Germany, immigrated 1872, in US 28 yr, occupation dry goods salesman, can read, write, speak English

NOTE: Anna Plein is listed as a boarder but would be Mary Grode’s mother (August Wagner is listed as a lodger). Anna is listed as widowed, had 4 children-3 living, and immigrated in 1857. In the 1880 census Adam Plein is living with this family but Anna is not listed.

Map of St Paul MN showing location of 175 Rondo Street.

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1880 MN-John Grode & Mary Plein, also Adam Plein

Source: Heritage Quest Online
John S. Grode
(1880 U.S. Census)
Series: T9 Roll: 630 Page: 240

139 Goodrich Street
Dwelling # 250, Family # 278

* Grode, John S, white, male, age 34, married, section boss on R.R., born Prussia, father born Prussia, mother born Prussia
* Grode, Mary I, white, female, age 22, wife, married, keeping house, born Minn, father born Prussia, mother born Prussia
* Grode, Annie O. F., white, female, age 4, dau, born Minn, father born Prussia, mother born Minn
* Grode, John E. C., white, male, age 3, son, born Minn, father born Prussia, mother born Minn
* Grode, Peter O. L., white, male, age 1, son, born Minn, father born Prussia, mother born Prussia
* Plein, Adam, white, male, age 53, father-in-law, married, cattle dealer, born Prussia, father born Prussia, mother born Prussia

Mary Grode would be the daughter of Adam Plein and Anna Wetle. It is of interest that Adam is in the household, listed as married, but where is Anna? In the 1900 census Anna is in the household as a widow.

Click on image to enlarge and print

Red star on map shows location of 139 Goodrich Street, St Paul MN
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Wednesday, June 21, 2006

1870 MN Census - Adam Plein & Anna Wetle

SOURCE: Heritage Quest Online
PLAIN, ADAM (1870 U.S. Census)
Age: 43, Male, Race: WHITE, Born: PRUS
Series: M593 Roll: 716 Page: 149

Also Series: T132 Roll: 11 Page: 182
Same information but on a different roll

Dwelling #121, Famiy #121
* Plain, Adam, age 43, male, white, Cattle Dealer, real estate value $10,000, personal estate value $500, born Prussia, father and mother of foreign birth, male citizen of US 21 or up.
* Plain, Anna, age 41, female, white, keeping house, born Prussia, father and mother of foreign birth
* Plain, Susanna, age 15, female, white, born Prussia, father and mother of foreign birth
* Plain, Maria, age 12, female, white, born Minnesota, father and mother of foreign birth
* Plain, Barbara, age 9, female, white, born Minnesota, father and mother of foreign birth
* Adelmann, Nicholas, age 16, male, white, bonded servant, born Michigan, father and mother of foreign birth

Click on image to enlarge and print

1860 MN Census - Adam & Anna Plein

FROM: Heritage Quest Online
PLAME, ADAM (1860 U.S. Census)
Age: 32, Male, Race: WHITE, Born: PRUS
Series: M653 Roll: 574 Page: 960

The index uses an incorrect spelling of "Plame". See the image of the census to judge for yourself. The spelling in the records in the US varies from Plein, Plane, Plain, Plaine.

Dwelling #1248 Family # 1041
* Adam Plame, age 32, male, personal estate $300, born Prussia
* Anna Plame, age 30, female, born Prussia
* Susannah Plame, age 6, female, born Prussia
* Mary Plame, age 2, female, born Minnesota
* Clemence Whitling, age 32, male, laborer, ($500/$200??), born Prussia

This 1860 census gives an age of 6 for Susannah born Prussia and an age of 2 for Mary born Minnesota. That would give a time frame of immigration between approximately 1854 and 1858.

Also interesting to note is the last member of this household, Clemence Whitling. Mary had a brother, Klemens Watle (Germany records). Documents in the US usually record him as Clement or Clemens. (See The Clement Wetle Family Blog). The 1870 MN census records him as Wedeley, Clement, age 33. Could this Clemence Whitling possibly be Anna's brother (allowing for errors that are common in the census)? Or who might this person be that is living with Adam and Anna.
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